Marina is a professional visual artist, animist shrine maker and ritualist with a diverse and eclectic arts practice working within the mediums of community engaged rites and celebrations, site-specific installations, theatre/ performance and ritual crafts.
Her community engagements arise from the impulse to co-create spaces for magic to happen in collaboration and in relationship with the physical and imagination/liminal realms. They create with and for human peoples, plant peoples, rock and mineral beings, animal peoples, landscapes, seasons, the dead, the spirits of place and the elements – for personal & cultural transformations.
Her art practices include contemporary & sacred arts, traditional and ancestral crafts, shrine making, animist based rituals in collaboration with landscapes, seasons, human and other than human peoples, and ancestral lineage repair practitioner ( certification with Dr Daniel Foor / Ancestral Medicine). She has been the Artist in Residence at Mountain View Cemetery and co-creator of the annual All Souls at MVC Vancouver B.C. Canada.